Celebrating five years of advocacy wins

How did Cost of Home successfully change policies to increase access to affordable homes?

Over five years of Cost of Home, Habitat’s first U.S. advocacy campaign, more than 400 state and local Habitat organizations united to advance over 460 policy and system changes at all levels of government, resulting in more than 9.5 million people gaining increased access to home affordability and stability.

9.5+ million people with improved access to affordable housing

We delivered on our mission of raising our voices for home affordability nationwide and embracing the solutions needed to bring the cost of home within reach for people.

Through the Cost of Home advocacy campaign, the Habitat for Humanity network also successfully advocated to unlock $23.6 billion in government funding to build and repair affordable homes, provide homeownership and rental assistance, and increase access to homeownership.

Five years ago, Habitat set out to raise our voices, in addition to raising our hammers, for home affordability nationwide. Through the campaign, we united, aligning and strengthening our efforts to bring the cost of home within reach for people – no matter who they are, where they live or how much they earn.  

Habitat for Humanity International has released a five-year cumulative report that compiles this and more details on the collective impact of affiliated organizations and shares campaign highlights. 

While it’s important to recognize our progress, we must also acknowledge that Habitat’s work is far from finished and continue to address the urgency of the housing affordability crisis. Habitat must build on the tremendous successes and momentum of the Cost of Home campaign to continue to rectify housing inequities. We are scaling up our advocacy and policy work under a new umbrella name: Habitat Voices in Action. This is not a campaign, it’s a commitment to integrate advocacy into our everyday work.

With the strength of Habitat for Humanity, together, we can help ensure everyone has a safe, affordable and decent place to live.


Building Connections - Habitat Mexico Visits the Capital District


Building with Hábitat México