Program Requirements

Habitat for Humanity International designates three categories of criteria that all Habitat organizations around the world follow. Click each arrow to see how we define these criteria locally. Because we serve Albany, Rensselaer or southern Saratoga Counties, Habitat homebuyers must be a legal permanent resident or citizen of the U.S. and have lived or worked in our service area for at least one year in addition to the requirements below.

Income guidelines

Your approval is based on your unique circumstance, which means that Habitat and our banking partner will review your household size, annual income, credit history and other debts that you have (credit card, car payments, student loan) to determine whether you qualify to purchase this Habitat home. The income chart does not alone indicate whether you will qualify.

HUD updates the area median income for every metro area each spring. These numbers are subject to change accordingly. Because Habitat is a special purpose credit program, we may consider more forms of income when determining your household’s eligibility. Any reportable income can be considered, including wages, SSI/SSD, retirement, child support, and Section 8 housing subsidies.

Habitat recognizes that HUD’s calculations, although adjusted for inflation, do not always reflect the day-to-day financial reality of low-to-moderate-income prospective buyers. However, Habitat for Humanity International and our funders require us to use HUD’s income calculations to measure income.

“I learned how to maintain my home and how to finance it. I wasn’t just getting a home; I was gaining knowledge and experience in the process.”

— Eh P., Habitat homeowner

Thinking about buying a Habitat house? Start here:

Attend a free, HUD-approved Homebuyer 101 course

We recommend:

The course will help you decide if homeownership is right for you at this time. AHP and TRIP can also help you prepare financially for buying a home, including how to begin a savings account or improve your credit history

Sign up to be notified when our applications open

Habitat opens applications when we have homes available to purchase, which is typically 2-3 times per year. We do not keep a waitlist.

Attend a Habitat information session

These semi-monthly online info sessions review how Habitat works, how to apply, and how to prepare for upcoming application cycles.

Questions? Email us:

What Habitat builds

Habitat builds new homes and rehabilitates vacant homes for first-time homebuyers. We work with our homebuyers to secure an affordable mortgage from one of our local banking partners. We also provide pre-purchase counseling and support services to make sure you will be successful in your new home.

We do not provide home repairs for owner- or renter-occupied homes, nor do we provide grants for housing or home repairs. Habitat does not own or manage any rental properties.

Where Habitat builds

Habitat is committed not just to building homes, but to building community. We prioritize our construction efforts within focus neighborhoods to maximize our impact. Currently, we are building in Albany’s Sheridan Hollow and South End neighborhoods and the North Central Troy neighborhood.

Habitat for Humanity follows a nondiscriminatory policy of family selection. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of the U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.