
Habitat brings people together to build homes, community & hope.

We use a combination of professional and volunteer labor to build Habitat homes. We welcome volunteers of all skill levels to join us, and believe in volunteerism as a social change strategy.

Individual volunteers are community members looking to build on their own or with a friend or two. Team builds are team committed to fundraising, so they bring extra impact to the build site.

Please note that volunteers must be at least 16 years of age  to volunteer on site. Volunteers ages 16-17 must have parental consent.

Volunteer opportunities

Individual - Construction Site

Join us on the construction site and help build Habitat houses. No experience necessary! You must be 16 or older to build on a Habitat construction site.

Sign up for the Helping Hands Club (above) to be notified when opportunities become available!

Team Build - Construction Site


Team builds are an opportunity for your company, organization, faith congregation, school or other community group to help advance a shared vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat’s Team Build programs give your group an opportunity to learn new skills, strengthen relationships and engage with their community in a meaningful way.

ReStore - Individual or Group


Volunteering at the Habitat ReStore is a great opportunity to engage in Habitat's mission and learn new skills! ReStore volunteers directly help raise funds to support local families building strength, stability and self-reliance through affordable homeownership. We have opportunities for individuals and groups.

Other ways to get involved

Youth & student groups

There are many ways for young people to get involved in the mission of Habitat for Humanity. See below for ideas & check out Habitat’s youth programs.

  • Host a fundraising or education event. Host a community garage sale, dinner theater, music concert, or play at your school or congregation. Proceeds from ticket sales could help purchase a front door or a new roof. Email info@habitatcd.org to coordinate.

  • Organize a collection drive. Collect and recycle bottles and cans to raise funds or host a tool collection drive! Let us know that you’re interested in holding a collection to support our building efforts, and we’ll provide you with our current Wish List. Reach out to build@habitatcd.org.

  • Start a Campus Chapter. Are you dedicated to learning more about Habitat’s mission and want to inspire others at your high school or college? Start a Campus Chapter to help Habitat build and advocate here in the Capital District and around the world. Local campus chapters are also welcome on our build site for hands-on experiences. Learn more about starting a campus chapter here or email us.

Volunteer your skills

Your professional or advanced skills can go a long way in supporting our mission. Maybe you can make a video for a special event or campaign or offer to take professional family portraits for homeowners. If you think you might have a professional or advanced skill to share with us, let us know — we just might be in need.

Join our Board of Directors

Want to deepen your involvement with Habitat? We have openings on our Board of Directors and are looking for passionate, engaged members to guide our  work in the Capital District. Learn more here.