Can we tell you a story?

It starts in Albany's Sheridan Hollow neighborhood, where we started building in 2013.
Today, almost ten years later, we've built and sold 45 homes in this neighborhood alone, with six more are under construction right now. Our 100th home and our 150th home are both here, too!
Sheridan Hollow is where our office is, and where many of our community partners are. Where there was once parking lots, has been transformed into a neighborhood where people live, work, and play.
On February 14, 2012, the gameshow Jeopardy! used this corner of Sheridan Hollow as a national example for "urban blight," when it was a photo clue for the double-jeopardy round.
A year after that show aired, and just a block west from that corner, we began construction on our first homes in Sheridan Hollow. Habitat went on to build 42 more houses nearby before the story of "Jeopardy Corner” picked up again.
It’s a story about community.
Volunteers bundled up to work on Habitat’s first houses in Sheridan Hollow (2013).
A combination of public and private funds as well as professional and volunteer labor have helped us build over the years! It takes all of us, together, to build a world where everyone can afford a place to call home.
Thousands of hours from dozens of volunteer groups and hundreds of millions of dollars of private and public funds have been invested into Sheridan Hollow’s 45 Habitat homes over the past ten years.
Last month, we added a new chapter in the story of "Jeopardy Corner.”
Together, with our partners, we have built three energy-efficient homes and sold them to local, first-time homeowners. These homes were also built to be affordable for future families through the Albany Community Land Trust, so this legacy can continue for generations to come.
Habitat’s three newest homes on Sheridan Avenue.
We’re not done yet.
Just around the corner, six more Habitat families are building their future homes. Like the three new houses on Sheridan Ave, four of these homes will be permanently affordable through the Albany Community Land Trust.
Roof trusses being raised on Orange Street (December 2022).
With your support, even more families can call Sheridan Hollow home and create new stories for themselves and for the community.
Help this story of community continue by making a financial contribution today.
With your support, Habitat will continue to build the infrastructure for equity by expanding access to homeownership, selling our homes at an affordable price and ensuring that this investment truly belongs to those that call our community home.
Your tax-deductible gift will give more of our neighbors the chance to buy an affordable home of their own.