A better year for families like Priscilla's
Priscilla is currently building her future home for her four children, right here in the heart of Albany.
2020 has been a difficult year. I don’t need to tell you that – I know you’ve felt it, too. We all have. So instead of writing you a letter about unprecedented times, I want to share with you a bit of hope. Hope is at the heart of Habitat’s work and behind every nail we drive. Hope allows us to believe that we can build a better world, together.
In May we launched our Essential Housing Response Fund to stabilize our organization and community. Many of you responded to our urgent need for help, and we are so grateful. Thank you for proving, over and over again, that loving our neighbors works.
Because of donors like you, we are halfway to our goal. Below you will find a list of what we have accomplished through the fund so far. The summary is this: We have been able to continue planning, building, and advocating for affordable housing.
With help from everyday people just like you, four new Habitat homeowners have already moved into their new homes. By early 2021, three more families will become first-time Habitat homeowners.
And because of our neighbors like you, there are five more families watching the walls rise on what will become their new homes, dreaming about the holiday celebrations that will take place there this time next year.
One of those families is Priscilla and her four children…
Owning a home means everything to us. It has been one of my biggest dreams for years: To have a bigger place that I could own, more space to live comfortably with my children, a place that can be passed down to them when I am no longer here.
This home is not just a house for us. It will be one of our answered prayers. It will be a wonderful door that has opened up for me and my children, and it will be the start of a new chapter in our lives.
A total blessing, a place that we can always call home.
This holiday season, find hope in Priscilla’s story, knowing that your support has such a real impact on families in your very own community. Remember that even though this year has been difficult, there is still good news to be found.
Habitat is building long-term stability with local families and throughout our community. Each day, we come together to build the world we want to see. We build homes where mothers like Priscilla can have a real opportunity to raise their children as the leaders of tomorrow. We invest in neighborhoods filled with promise. We show up for each other. We belong to one another.
As 2020 comes to a close, we humbly ask for your financial support, so we can continue to be there for our neighbors in need. Can you we count on you this holiday season?